Wednesday, May 16, 2018


If we were to meet in public, how would I feel when I do? Better yet, how about you? How would you feel upon leaving my presence? Will the encounter be positive, building each other up, or negative, tearing each other down inside our hearts? If we ran across each other again, would we attempt to avoid each other or feel blessed to have run across each others paths? We have a choice on how we treat others.

Often, we find ourselves in awkward situations where we can’t wait to get away from the person we run across. Other times, maybe they can’t wait to get away from you. Why? Complaining, negative thinking or attitude, pride, selfishness, need I go on?

One thing we as Christians often forget is who we belong to. We are children of the most high God. We are royalty, and we need to live up to that standard rather than bowing down to what this corrupt world calls right and fair and just.

So often, the world sees “religion”, not Christianity. There is a difference. Religion has never been the cause of Christ. Living a Godly life is following the path Jesus leads us on, and being a witness (both in lifestyle and verbally). Witnessing is not ‘preaching’. Witnessing is telling others about what God did for you, being a living example of Christ, and so much more.. It’s setting ourselves to a higher standard so we stand out amongst the crowds. We are the salt and light of the earth.

No one has, or ever will, take your place in life. We are each created uniquely, set apart, and we have the ability to have “on earth as it is in heaven”. How? Serving others. We cannot have a positive influence in this world if we don’t know how to serve others.

No one gets a free pass on wasted gifts and talents. We were blessed with each and every one of them, for a purpose. Will we stumble sometimes? Yes, we all do. However, we won’t be forgiven. We already are forgiven. You see, God knew every mess up we would ever make in life before we were ever conceived. God has a plan for your life, a wonderful plan that can only be achieved by trusting God, following Jesus and paying close attention to the Holy Spirit. This trinity is our life-line, a guide for getting to heaven, with instructions along the way to help us bring other people with us. (The Holy Bible)

God loves each and everyone of us as we are. However, in order to have the life God wants us to have we must follow His guidance, always. Yes, we’re going to mess up. We’re not called to be perfect, but we are supposed to live life to the fullest and enjoy every single day we are here. We cannot do that without letting God lead us.

If, by chance, you question this statement, please tell me: How is life working out for you so far? What is your secret sin? (And believe me, it’s not a secret from the rest of us) Pride, lust, greed, complaining, self indulgence: These are just a few of the issues we face every single day of our lives. The cost to how we answer it can be life giving, or deadly, for eternity.

Are you acting like a 15 year old when you’re 50? Are you paying your bills but indulging yourself with your own desires, or are you reaching out and helping, serving and blessing others when you can? Growing up, becoming a mature adult is far more than that. It’s being a man/woman who understands the statement: “It’s not about me”. Maturity includes responsibility for our thoughts, our actions (or lack thereof), taking care of your spouse the way God intended, as well as releasing your grown children so they can find their own path in life. I can personally attest to the fact that holding on is very costly. Being responsible and mature means facing the fact that we’re no longer children, we’re adults. It’s time to grow up and act like it.

Do you complain about the lack of maturity in your grown children? If so, maybe leading by example, by growing up ourselves, will teach those we love how to be an adult, the right way. Stop acting like a kid yourself. Be the example for them to follow. Stand up for what’s right. Set boundaries, and stick to them.

If your friends or your family members are trying to break up what God brought together, walk away from them. That doesn’t mean stop letting them know you do still love them and care about them. However, it does mean taking a stand for your partner. It’s not allowing negative talk, or actions, into your relationship. At times, that means staying away. Period. When anyone disrespects our spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend, we’re telling them they and their feelings aren’t important to you. It’s putting others before God, and before your mate. It’s a lack or proper, Biblical, standards. Grow up! We have clear instructions in the Bible on how personal relationships are meant to work. (See Ephesians 5:24-25)

I’ve met more people than I can count who live selfishly, always complaining, never see the good in anything, stubbornly refuse to own up to their own issues while pointing the finger of blame at someone else. Tell me this: Do you sit down with the crowd at work or school, or on the phone, your computer, or social media and get involved in discussions you shouldn’t even be a part of? Do you laugh at crude jokes or when your ‘buddies’ crack jokes or put down someone? If you do, you’re sinning. Simple as that. No one is immune to sin, but we’re all able to bring our lives, in every area, before God and ask Him to guide us, direct our steps, guard our lips, heart's, minds, etc. What will you do?

We talk about unity, yet many in our society participate in racism, rally’s that discriminate based on religious beliefs, color of skin, and a slew of other social issues. Set your sights higher. God said we are all created equal. If you want to be the salt and light to the darkness of this world, turn on the light! It really isn’t that hard.

We, God’s creation, are the ones who complicate life. We are the ones who question God’s sovereignty. We are the ones who think we can ‘handle it ourselves’. Well, if you think you can, go for it. God’s not going anywhere. He’s going to be waiting for you when you realize you actually do need His help to navigate life.

So, what about you? Are you spreading salt and light, or letting society dictate the way you live? Are you being salt and light, or participating in the spreading of darkness and night?

`I can’t answer that question for you, but I can tell you where to find your answers. God’s word isn’t just a fairytale. It’s history. Read the book (the Bible). All the answers we need to navigate life are written for us, to guide us on this journey, this adventure, called life. A change in perspective can change your entire life. Every single day I find a reason to enjoy it. I can assure you, there is no better adventure than learning to follow the ways of Jesus. Putting it bluntly, life with Jesus is awesome!

So, what is your choice? Before you answer, make sure you know: Your very life is dependant upon your answer. God bless you.

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