Monday, December 8, 2014


Living by faith would be scary if I didn't truly trust in God. If a person were to look at my life from a birds eye view, they would absolutely wonder how I could keep going forward without losing my sanity. My answer would be simple: I don't look at the mess, I look up and trust that Jesus' words were true.

God promised us that he would never leave us or forsake us. (Joshua 1:5) I believe that promise. I can look back over my life and see the countless times I was in a mess, and God never, not once, abandoned me.

I could spend my time worrying, but answer me this: what good has ever come from doing that? The only thing that comes from worrying is to miss out on the goodness in this moment. For me, in this moment I have a quiet house that's clean, space and time to be alone with God, a roof over my head and I know I have God in my corner.

I can do nothing in this moment to fix any of the issues that are going on around me, but God can. And I trust that He will. It really is that simple. Most Christians know what Jesus says about worry. He told them not to do so because our Father in heaven will provide. He suggests that we look at the Raven, who doesn't store up food for the winter. He advises us to consider how the lilies grow and adorn the grass of the fields. They are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow. How much more valuable are you, am I, to God the Father than these? (Luke 12:22-31)

It's faith that keeps me going. It is a deep sense of knowing that my Father loves me more then words could ever say. I love my children with all my heart. Yet, even my love for them is not comparable to the love my Father has for me, for us.

I don't have a clue how all this is going to play out in my life, but I find it pointless to worry. I mean, seriously, what good is it? I refuse to give up my peace, my joy, or the song in my heart. I will continue to look up, not at the mess. I will be persistent in keeping myself close to my Father. And when I feel weak, I will climb into my Father's lap and just hear His heartbeat for a while, and feel the love of His embrace.

I encourage you to keep looking up when the storms are raging in your lives. When we take our eyes off Jesus, stress and worry can cause us to stumble and fall. Remember all the times you didn't see any way out of a situation, and yet, you made it. Then keep looking up and know, by faith, the seas of life will calm around you at the exact moment they are meant to. This, my precious friends and family, is living by faith.

I love each and every one of you. God bless and keep you. Know that you are loved.

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