Thursday, May 12, 2022

Let's have a Conversation

Let's have a Conversation

It's been a couple of years since I've shared anything with my followers. I sincerely appreciate your patience. Like all of you, It's been one crazy ride for all of us. Further, it's time to use my God given gift and do what I do best. By His grace, I pray each of us ponder the things I'm about to share. 

I'll start by guiding you through the (extremely) short version of how I became who I am today. Some of the people in my life are aware that I was adopted while in elementary school. I lived a fairly normal life, although I will admit up front that there was some abuse behind closed doors. My family raised me in a small town from the age of 2, in a house they bought and owned well into my adult years.  

In my adult life, it's been one remarkable ride. I fell in more pits than I realized even existed. Each time, to this day, I have chosen to lead by example, so I would pick myself up (with the help of my Savior, Jesus), climb out of the pit and march on. How in the world was I going to teach my children to have values and morals if I didn't set an example?

Through the adult years, I endured both physical and mental abuse. I can't begin to tell you how many times I've broken down and cried, wept, pouring my heart out to God. He heard me. Peace would come. That's when I found just how true it is that "when I am weak, He is strong" (2 Corinthians 12:10) and what it means in real life. 

Let's get to the point. Everyone I know or encounter is struggling in some way. We struggle emotionally over the insanity around us, over issues that many of us older folks would be honored to simply sit down and discuss randomly about with you, from the perspectives of each other. You see, as we age in life, we learn step by step what's actually important, what matters. We  simply enjoy a good, friendly conversation or debate. Having an opinion different from one another did not end the relationship, or the world.

Sadly, times have changed so drastically that many see this as impossible. You're wrong! Simple as that. I'm not pulling any punches, and other people's feelings might feel a sting.  Your business is  truly not my business. However, at the same time I am going to speak the truth because we all need to hear it.

Moving right along, My generation, and several others, dropped the ball on our kids, grandkids, and all future generations. We all make mistakes. We are, after all, human. However, mistakes and excuses are absolutely, unequivocally not the same thing. We need to own our mistakes and then move forward. 

Excuses are another thing entirely. Excuses destroy us, whether we realize it or not, and can do great harm to those around us. We’re facing facts now. Dealing with errors in judgment, learning from them and getting on with life. And stop all this petty fighting. Those of you who seem to enjoy starting drama, or at the very least feeding into it, simply need to grow up. This isn’t an age issue. I know children with more common sense than many adults. Sorry, but not sorry. I am sick of all the pathetic mind games. We’re all guilty of this. Own it! We have all participated, one way or another.

We're told don't do this; you have to do this other thing; don't say that word because it's offensive. Give me a break! That is the most pansy attitude I've ever witnessed in my entire life. I'm not slamming any particular generation either. We’re all guilty after a certain point in our lives. Stop talking and such nonsense! I ask you this: When did we as a society get so lost that we allow our God given rights to be stripped away? When did we become so complacent that we chose to ignore our Creator, regarding any given topic? 

We have casually sat back for years approving immoral attitudes, lifestyles and more that are clearly against the Holy Bible, the Word of God. I have actually experienced having made someone I genuinely care about "uncomfortable" because, without question, this person knew my perspective on the topic at hand. I was attending a dinner. Out of respect for the host and hostess, I kept my mouth shut.

Please understand, I'm not in the least bit angry at anyone. We're all guilty in some form or another. What I'm hoping you understand is that having a peaceful conversation makes way more sense than screaming, belittling, and deliberately hurting another human being. Who do we think we are? How does it make you feel when the target is You? 

It's OK to have a genuine conversation with nearly all the people around you. Seriously, it is. Oh, and for the record, You are not mistake. Someone needs to know that. I'm telling you, each and everyone of us has a purpose. The key to discovering the plan God has through your purpose is to get close to Him. Talk to Him.

There's a major misconception, even through the churches of our world about knowing our Creator. We have this image in our minds of a mysterious being who's way far away in some unknown place. We may think that we've done or gone through things that make us beyond unworthy to have the very thought of approaching the throne of God. Well, stop it! That’s pride, period. Who do you think you are to see yourself as just another blip in time? In fact, we are. However, this God, our Creator, knows you by name, and can count the very hairs on your head. 

We need to realize that our Creator didn't send us to Earth expecting us to be perfect. He knew before we were ever conceived that we were going to blow it, repeatedly. Don't most of us think "Nailed it, God. Ding, Ding, Ding''?

I've made more wrong choices than I could begin to count. In other words, I'm not a saint by far. Life can change on a dime. Haven't we all witnessed this in one way or another over the past two years? Have you considered that it's time to get our acts together, trust God, listen, truly listen, to what He tells you through His Holy Spirit? Have you considered how you would feel if the words coming from your own mouth had been aimed at you rather than spewed out by you? Is that what we call trying to live like Jesus? I'm serious. It's time we put on our boots, buckle up for a bumpy ride, and start being the person (each of us) that we're called to be. 

Let go of the crap from your past. It's over, move on. It's really that simple. Find yourself sinning against God in some form or another and believing all the garbage in your mind about how bad of a person you are? Stop it. Now! Get over yourself and grow up. You can't do a thing to change your past, or that of other people. Understand this: we will each stand before our Creator and King one day. It's not an if. It's a question of when. Period. It's the Truth. It's an unchangeable fact that we lost sight of over the years. I'm over it, ya'll. 

Here's the bottom line: We can continue to demoralize our neighbors, cutting them down or we can stop acting like we're better than others (smarter, richer, blah blah blah). Personally, I don't care what you do or how you choose to live this journey called life. It's genuinely between you and God Almighty, and no one else. Fact! 

Neither are we called to judge one another. I don't have to like or approve of your choices anymore than you have to like or approve mine. However, I will not under any circumstances lie to you about what God's Word says regarding issues we may discuss. 

My entire life has been one of researching, learning, exploring, and trying to make sense of whatever happened to be the order of the day. Little did I know, it would serve me well in life.

Please remember, God did not make a mistake when he created YOU! I know it's true because He taught me that regarding myself. True story.

I love you guys. (I don't participate in politically correct terminology). I truly do love all of you. If you only know how deeply I long for each of you to take a little time and spend it with our Heavenly Father. I'm not talking like prayer warriors were created to be. Just, have a conversation with Him. You'll learn rather quickly that He absolutely does respond back to us. We're never alone, not ever. Stop fighting with the people around you and show a little kindness. Listen to hear, not to simply give a response. Be present, engaged. And show love the way God intended us to do.

God bless you, 

Tammy E. Howell

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