Saturday, November 1, 2014


We have choices in life. It's up to us as individuals to determine where life is going to take us. One of the things that contributes to our destiny is how we talk.
When we speak, whether to another person or to ourselves, we're speaking into existence the very words that come out of our mouths. I believe it was by the grace of God that I learned this at a young age. I raised my own children speaking into existence the way I wanted them to be. Sure, they have control over their own lives by choices they make. However, I chose to remind them that they have good hearts, they are unique and special and blessed. I called them angels, not monsters. I personally witnessed how the simplicity of telling my children how "good" they are versus how "bad" they are can determine their futures.
Every parent wants their child to grow to be honorable, respectable people, a loving spouse to their life partner and the best parents on the planet. The question is, did we teach them how to be these things? How we talk to our children absolutely does make a difference in how they turn out as adults.
As a child, I was repeatedly told how "stupid" I was by my mother, and everything inside me said this was not true. I am grateful that I had relatives who taught me that I was right, to not believe this lie. There were people who told me of God's love and how precious each of us are in His sight. It is because of the ones who spoke the truth to me that I have become the woman I am today. I'm eternally grateful to these people. May God bless them richly.
I know when life is kicking us in our teeth it's difficult to see how amazing we truly are. It's a struggle to believe the truth when the lies are repeated to us on a daily basis. Rise above it, my precious friend. You deserve the best things in life, but it's up to you to make the choice about your future. And that choice is now. Only You have the power to determine the rest of your story. What choice will you make?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sis, I love your post thank you for sharing. Telling truth is always best, lies hurt deep. I've been lied to my face and lies about me behind my back by family and so called friends. I've learned over time to let it go and put these people into Gods hands. Yes our mom was very hurtful and dishonest to us all of our lives and we both have many scars to prove it. I'm just thankful that we came to be the wiser and even though we've been through hell and back, we've been strong enough to overcome most of our past hurts of all kinds. Thank you Tammy for reaching out to people and letting them know that life doesn't have to be as difficult as it may appear to be to them and that they to can become wiser and stronger in their walks on their journey. God bless you always sis, I love you. Karen <3
